How To Lose Fat Using CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment for reshaping the body. A plastic surgeon utilises an instrument to freeze subcutaneous adipose cells. Once the fat cells have disintegrated, the liver breaks them down and expels them from the body.

This method of non-surgical fat loss has seen increased popularity in the last few years. Much progress has been made in implementing CoolSculpting in fat removal treatments, and even considered to be one of the ideal methods to remove fat from one’s body. But before diving into the details, you should know some fundamental things about fat loss.

What Are The Basics Of Fat Loss?

Before learning about CoolSculpting, you must be well-versed in the basics of fat loss to ensure a proper fat-removal treatment. As you may already know, the excess calories you consume get stored in your body as fat cells, so the first fundamental about fat loss is calorie counting.

  • Calorie counting is a must for reaching any fitness goal, whether weight reduction or muscle building, and calorie restriction is much more critical when the goal is fat reduction.Increasing one’s BMR (Basal
  • Metabolic Rate) is the second and most crucial step in fat loss. With a higher basal metabolic rate, your body consumes more energy even when at rest.

Now that you know the basics, you might be wondering how does CoolSculpting help with all of these? To your surprise, CoolSculpting is a new and innovative way of losing fat. So, let us learn more about this in detail.

How Is Fat Removed Form CoolSculpting?

As mentioned, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive method for removing fat from various body areas. The technique implements controlled refrigeration to eradicate adipose cells without affecting the neighbouring tissue. The treatment, also known as cryolipolysis, involves the hardening of fat cells, followed by their elimination by the body over time.

During the treatment, a device is applied to the treatment area, and the temperature is lowered until the fat cells solidify. The device then draws the treated area between two cooling panels using suction. This vacuum pulls the tissue closer to the cooling panels, allowing for a more targeted and effective treatment.

After being frozen, adipose cells endure apoptosis, a natural cell death. The body’s lymphatic system then eliminates the dead cells over several weeks, resulting in a trimmer and more defined appearance.

Where Does The Fat Go? Are The Results Permanent?

Now that you know how CoolSculpting works, you might be wondering where does all the fat go? And are the results even permanent? Well, there’s an answer to that! The dead fat cells get naturally processed and expelled through the lymphatic system, so you don’t have to worry bout dead fat cells in your body. And once the fat cells get removed, they don’t come back unless you don’t follow a proper diet after getting a CoolSculpting treatment.

Does Fat Return After CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting permanently eliminates fatty cells from the treated area, as mentioned previously. Nonetheless, if you acquire weight after treatment, the fat tissues in other areas of your body may expand, increasing body fat. This can make it seem like fat has returned to the treated area.

To preserve the results of CoolSculpting, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a nutritious diet. CoolSculpting can aid in weight reduction, but it is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.

What Foods Should You Avoid After CoolSculpting?

After undergoing CoolSculpting, it is advised that you avoid high-fat, high-sugar, and refined or high-sodium foods. These substances can increase inflammation and impede the body’s natural fat cell elimination. Additionally, it is crucial to remain hydrated and avoid alcohol, as the latter can dehydrate the body and hinder the healing process.

Instead, focus on consuming a nutritious and well-balanced diet abundant in lean proteins, whole cereals, fruits, and vegetables. These foods provide essential nutrients that promote healthy weight management and support the body’s natural healing process.

How Can I Speed Up The Fat Loss After CoolSculpting?

Maintaining a good diet and fitness regimen is one of the effective ways to speed up fat reduction following CoolSculpting. Faster fat loss is possible with a diet rich in protein and low in carbs. Building lean muscle via strength training is a great way to boost your metabolism and aid in calorie burning. Drinking lots of water is another strategy to hasten fat reduction following CoolSculpting. Water not only aids digestion but may also make you feel full and help with appetite control.

Lastly, you may supplement your CoolSculpting results with other fat-reduction treatments, including radiofrequency or ultrasound. More fat may be burned, and skin elasticity can be enhanced with the help of these treatments.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

The answer varies on things like how big the treatment area is, how much fat is being targeted, and how fast the person’s metabolism is. But after treatment, most people start to see results within two to three weeks, and good results are usually clear within two months.

CoolSculpting is not a permanent weight-loss solution and isn’t a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise. It is optimal for individuals at or near their ideal body weight but with regions of fat resistant to diet and exercise.

How Long Is Each Session? How Many Sessions Will I Need?

 The average time for a CoolSculpting session is 35-60 minutes per treated region. Results differ from person to person and may need more than one session. Finding the optimal number of sessions of CoolSculpting requires consulting with a specialist in Bangalore. You can try contacting specialists providing CoolSculpting in Bangalore to know more.

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Dr. Shoma Sarkar is a well known celebrity dermatologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Aesthetic & Clinical Dermatology.

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